Membership Application
Membership Defined
Regular Member-Regular members shall be individuals who are plumbing inspectors with valid credentials in the State of Wisconsin. To qualify for membership as a regular member, individuals must be actively engaged in enforcing Wisconsin Administrative Code as a plumbing inspector in the employment of a municipality, or as an employee of an independent inspection agency operating under contract with a municipality, or as an employee of the State of Wisconsin.
Associate Member-Associate members shall be individuals engaged in a trade, industry, or profession related to plumbing. Associate members shall have the same privileges as a regular member except voting or holding office.
Honorary Member-Honorary members shall be individuals who were former regular members of “the Association” and who are now retired from active plumbing inspection duties or employment in the plumbing industry. Honorary members shall have the same privileges as a regular member except voting or holding office.
Annual Dues:
- Regular Member $ 40.00 annually
- Associate Member $ 40.00 annually
- Honorary Member $ 0.00 annually
To remain a member, all dues must be paid by April 1st of each year.